Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Do something!

Last week the Governor and the Michigan legislature officially took a stand. Schools, education, and the students in Michigan are not a priority.

How do I know? I watched what they did. 

Instead of using money that is dedicated to the students in Michigan - the Michigan State School Aid Fund - the Governor and the legislature used money from that fund to plug a general fund budget hole. 

Instead of using the State School Aid for its intended purpose, the Governor and the legislature made the point that the State School Aid Fund is a pot of money to be used as they see fit. 

Instead of saving the $167 million surplus in the State School Aid for the next fiscal year or instead of giving some of the State School Aid to schools for this school year, the Governor and the legislature spent the money to plug a hole in this year's state general fund budget.

So that is done. We can't go back and get that money for the State School Aid Fund.  

So now what do we do?

It’s easy to get depressed. It is easy to think that there is no use in trying to get the Governor and the legislature to do the right thing.

But I would encourage you not to give up.

Let the Governor and the legislature know that you don't believe that was the right thing to do.

Call them. (House. Senate. Governor.)

Write them.

Email them.

Be specific.

Let them know the State School Aid Fund should be for K-12 education. That is its purpose. That is why the State School Aid Fund exists.

The Governor’s proposed budget for next year has a planned reduction for the Novi Community School District and only a marginal increase for most school districts in Michigan.

Why? Because the State School Aid Fund does not have enough money to provide for a larger increase. Yet the governor and the legislature just gave away $167 million to the General Fund to plug a budget hole.

If we communicate clearly with our legislators that the State School Aid fund should be used for schools and schools alone, I believe that the legislature will do the right thing.

But they won’t do the right thing unless the hear from you.

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