Tuesday, May 5, 2020

What teachers do you remember today?

Mr. Robbins was my 6th grade teacher. He was a good teacher. I am sure that he helped me learn the content standards and prepared me for the academic rigors of junior high and high school.

But that's not why I remember Mr. Robbins.

I remember Mr. Robbins because he was kind to me.

In 6th grade I needed a person in my school whom I could count on to be kind to me. And Mr. Robbins was that person.

In 10th grade, Ms. Ely was my English teacher. Instead of letting me coast through my sophomore year of high school she made me do a lot of work. She pushed me to become a better reader and writer. I didn't like her at times because she never let me off the hook.

In 10 grade I needed a person in my school whom I could count on to push me. And Ms. Ely was that person.

Today, the first Tuesday in May, Tuesday, May 5, is Teacher Appreciation Day. Take a moment to remember those teachers who made a difference in your life. Not every teacher I have had has been memorable. But the ones who have been - they were outstanding.

I hope that you can remember teachers from your past that gave you just what you needed. Teachers who were kind or who pushed you or who made you feel like you mattered.

In our district, the Novi Community School District, we have great teachers. I have been in their classrooms. I have seen them in action. They make a difference for the children of our community.
So on this Teacher Appreciation Day , I honor teachers. Thank you for making a difference!